Saturday 21 February 2015

My favourite character: Fushimi Saruhiko

Firstly if you like K and AMVS, check mine out! Much appreciated! ^_^

Anyway to the blog: This guy. If your'e not a stranger to K the name Fushimi saruhiko will not be new to you. If you are...firstly why?! And secondly let me explain a bit about him.

 Back in his school days he used to be pals with Misaki yata, like super best pals, and one day they were both invited to join the one and only red clan aka, homra. Not only did this give them awesome powers, but their bond and friendship became even stronger, they had amazing adventures and the manga; lost small world, explains deeper just how much misaki means to fushimi, claiming if it was just them two, everything would still be perfect. However things began to change.

 Fushimi had to sit back and watch as Misaki grew more and more distant from him. He became more interested in the other red clan members and left fushimi feeling abandoned. This got to the point where fushimi leaves the clan and joins the blues scepter 4.

He tells misaki and an alley way that he is leaving, he claims he wants to use his power for something more important, instead of homras messing around and thug like activites. Misaki reminds him of the mark on his shoulder, which represents his membership in homra. With a twisted smile on his face fushimi burns and scratches it out and misaki swears one day he will kill him for his betrayal, leading to the rivalry we see throughout K.

One thing that interests me is the real reason behind fushimis leaving. The extra power and so on is all well and good, but is it what he really wants? During the alley way scene, Misaki grabs fushimis collar on his shirt and sways him side to side, fushimi has a twisted smile on his face, almost as if he is happy to be getting misakis attention back. I think the major reason he leaves is because he wants misakis attention again, and if the only way he can get that is by hatred, then that is what he will do.

Mostly depressed in the work place, fushimi is lazy and often arrogant with his other scepter 4 members. He clearly dosent fit in well, however when he wants to, he can do a job well. He quickly gains ranks and becomes third in command. This is another interesting point i will talk about later.

Fushimi is a good leader in scepter 4 however his burnt out insignia that remains on his chest is a constant reminder of the good times he used to have.

 Fushimis desire for misaki also becomes more blatant whenever the two meet up after he left. A fight will always start and fushimi completely changes as a person, he laughs around and smiles whenever he is fighting misaki, linking back to his need for his attention.

No matter how angry misaki gets, even one of his strongest attacks leaves fushimi smiling and happily embracing the wind caused by the power of his aura. It is clear he has a real lust for fighting and also uses dirty tactics like throwing knives which he can also put his aura into, when we see this we also learnt something very interesting...

Fushimi reveals that he still has both auras from both clans, red and blue, despite the fact you are meant to lose it if you leave. He again makes the point of becoming even more powerful which again could be why he left.

So what interests me most about this character is his back-story and i have lots of unanswered questions which may be answered if i ever read the manga. I would like to know why the red king, mikoto suoh let fushimi leave, they are meant to have bonds as thick as blood, yet mikoto does not care that he has gone. I would also like to know why the blue king, reisi munakata simply accepted fushimi into the blue clan depsite his past with the reds, and also why he quickly becomes highly ranked above others, despite being newer and younger than the other blues. Also the reason for him having both auras, i think it is because he had such a strong bond with homra and its something that can never truly go, and finally his real reason for leaving...

Anyway i hope you enjoyed reading this and maybe you learnt something new ^_^
i may do more blogs like this on other characters but for now this is it, dont forget to check out my youtube (link up top) so byeee.

Welcome and introduction!

Welcome to my blog, im going discuss all things K, including favorite characters, opinions on episodes and hopes for the future! I also make AMVs on K project it would be great if you could check them out:

So to start for those who dont know what K is or what its about. K is a 2012 anime writen by GoRA. It is 13 episodes long and follows school student Yashiro isana in a japan that turned out slightly different to the one we have today. 7 kings each represented by a color have supernatural powers, all of them can control their aura (which is their color). Only six kings have been mentioned so far; Silver, gold, red, blue, green and the colorless king.These kings can have clansmen who vow their lives to their clan, the kings used to be friends, but recent events caused them all to split up and many became enemies.

 Episode one kicks off with a video of yashiro isana who claims himself to be the colorless king, apparently shooting red clansman tatara totsuka, causing the red clan, known for their violence yet strong bonds with each other, to go on the hunt for him, however the blue clan, who act as a police force in the K project universe also get involved. Not only this but former vassal of the previous colorless king, kuroh yatogami is also trying to kill shiro as he swore he would if his reincarnation turned out to be evil.

All of these leaves a very confused shiro, who has no recollection of any of the events, in a very bad situation.

So why do i like this anime? Well the most amazing thing is for sure the artwork and character design, it is completely unique and no anime is like it, i wish we had those colors in our world *-*. It is by far the most beautiful anime i have ever seen. Secondly is the soundtracks, this anime has some amazing background music that really adds affect to the scenes and it would be very different without it.

Whats not so great about this anime? Well saying it has a bad plot is simply not true, a messy one, yes. The ending of this anime is very well done and actually quite emotional, however it seems a bit rushed and leaves lots of unanswered questions, however the sequel film K missing kings (which i still haven't seen god damn it) and the confirmed season 2 should clear it all up!!Also several mangas have been released adding backstory to all the characters and clans and shows us things they couldnt put in the anime! Finally the fanservice, its completely unnecessary and im not sure what they wanted to achieve with it, especially since there is some aimed at both genders, fortunately its not too much and im able to overlook it but i feel not everyone will see it the same way. So anyway if you like Supernatural powers, badass guys and a bit of mystery along with awesome art and music, and can overlook some dodgy fanservice, defiantly give this one a hit! I will be doing more blogs about favorite characters and hopes for the future so stick around! Thanks for reading!